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대학소개 협력기관 대학


타슈켄트 인하대학교(IUT)

타슈켄트 인하대학교(Inha University in Tashkent, IUT)는 우리나라 선진 IT 기술을
우즈베키스탄 국민에게 교육하기 위해 우즈베키스탄 정부와 인하대학교가 협의하여 설립한
IT전문 교육기관입니다. 인하대학교와 동일한 강의내용과 방식으로 교육을 진행하고 있으며
2014년에 개교하여 2023년까지 졸업생 1600여 명을 배출하는 등 현지에서 대한민국 교육의 위상을
높여가고 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교와 타슈켄트 인하대학교(IUT)는 상호 발전을 위한 협약을 체결하고 구체적인 협력을 위한 의향서를 교환하였습니다.
우리학교의 우수한 온라인 교육과정을 우즈베키스탄에 제공하기 위하여 구체적인 논의를 진행하고 있습니다.

타슈켄트 인하대학교(IUT)

IT분야 학부 공동설립
상호적 단기 방문 및 교류활동 개최
교류협력프로그램 개발


Letter of IntentbetsveenThe Cyber University of KoreaAndInha University in TashkentThe Cyber University of Korea and Inha University in Tashkent, on the basis of friendly cooperation and mutual enhancement, declare their intention to cooperate in the following areas.Both parties agree to establish teaching and research cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit.II.cooperation programs:Both parties agreed to explore, establish and develop the following exchange andBoth parties intend to jointly establish new faculties, in particular, open a new faculty in the field of IT and to launch a joint online education program (bachelor's degree) at IUT based on the experience and curriculum of CUK.b. Actively hosting and joining short-term visits and other exchange activities based on the principle of equality and reciprocity.c. Developing more programs beneficial to exchange and cooperation between the parties on the basis of friendly communication.Both parties intend that this Letter of Intent is only a beginning of our friendly collaboration Details and specific collaborative agreements will be pursued by future discussions.Dr. Jin Sung KimPresidentThe Cyber University of KoreaDr. Muzaffar DjalalovAction Rector of Inha University in TashkentMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGBetweenInha University in Tashkent, UzbekistanAndThe Cyber University of Korea, Republic of KoreaIn recognition of the general importance of international education and existing ties of mutual cooperation and respect, The Cyber University of Korea (CUK), Republic of Korea and Inha University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (IUT), hereby agree to the following initiatives for the mutually beneficial development and exchange of academic and research activities.• Joint academic activities including research and training• Joint research activities• Faculty and Staft Exchange Program• Student Exchange Program• Exchange of knowledge and experienceThe above activities shall be carried out through close consultation between the two universities. This agreement is in effect from the date of signature for a period of five years and will be automatically renewed for the same period unless either university gives notification to the contrary no later than two months before the termination of this agreement.16 November_, 202216 November, 2022Dr. Jin Sung KimPresidentThe Cyber University of KoreaDr. Djalalov MuzaffarRectorInha University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan