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우크라이나 국제인력개발대학교

우크라이나 국제인력개발대학교(Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine")는
우크라이나 키예프에 소재한 고등교육기관으로 1998년 설립 이래
사회과학, 경제, 경영, 공학, 생명의학기술 등 다양한 분야에서 우수한 인재를 양성하고 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교와 우크라이나 국제인력개발대학교는 2018년 11월 상호발전을 위한 학술 협력 및 교류 증진 협약을


학술 및 경험 교류를 위한 학생 교류, 각교의 지식 및 경험 공유, 공동 연구 프로그램 개발, 공동 연구/조사 활동, 공동 프로젝트 참여 등


yy відкритий МІЖНАРОНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ РОЗВИТY ЛIOНИЙ УКРАЇНА 고려사이버대학교 THE CYBER UNIVERSITY OF KOREA / Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) Between Open International University of Human Development 'Ukraine', Ukraine And The Cyber University of Korea, Republic of Korea / In recognition of the general importance of international education and existing ties of mutual cooperation and respect, The Cyber University of Korea(CUK), Republic of Korea and Open International University of Human Development 'Ukraine' (UU), Ukraine, hereby agree to the following initiatives for the mutually beneficial development and exchange of academic and research activities. ● Visits by and exchange of students for study purposes or work experience ● Exchange of knowledge and experience ● Joint development of study programs at all levels ● Joint research activities ● Joint participation in projects The above activities shall be carried out through close consultation between the two universities. This agreement is in effect from the date of signature for a period of five years and will be automatically renewed for the same period unless either university gives notification to the contrary no later than six months before the termination of this agreement. / 1 November, 2018 Dr.Petro Talanchuk President Open international University of Human Development 'Ukraine' 1 November, 2018 Dr.Jin Sung Kim President the Cyber University of Korea