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대학소개 협력기관 공공기관



AARC(Asian American Resource Center)는 비영리 기관으로 미국 문화 속에서
아시안 커뮤니티의 문화적 의식을 높이는 한편 다양한 아시안 커뮤니티 사이의 원활한
커뮤니케이션을 통해 아시안 커뮤니티를 강화하는 일을 하고 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교는 AARC와 함께 미국내 아시아계 미국인을 위한 복지 프로그램 공동 연구 및 개발, 고등교육프로그램 교환 등을 위해
상호 협력하기로 하였습니다.


미국내 아시아계 미국인을 위한 복지 프로그램 공동 연구 및 개발, 고등교육프로그램의 교환,
교재 및 연구 출판물의 공동 이용을 위한 창구 마련, 연구기금 확보를 위한 노력 및 상호협력을 통한 국제 교육 지원

  • 협정서 서명 후 기념촬영협정서 서명 후 기념촬영
  • 협정서 서명 후 기념촬영협정서 서명 후 기념촬영


Memorandum of Understanding between The cyber University of Korea And Asian American Resource Center / To promote cooperation and advancement of academic and educational exchanges between The Cyber University of korea and Asian American Resource Center, the two insitutions certify the willingness to support professional acivities of common interests as follows: Both parties will seek to research and develop programs tailored to the welfare of the Asian American population in the U.S. Both parties will seek to encourage the exchange of programs to enhance higher learning and human understanding through specially designed academic programs; Both parties will establish systematic methods of exchanging instructional materials and professional publications of common interests; Both parties will seek to encourage cooperative research efforts as funds permit; and. Both parties agree with, and are committed to, the concept of supporting international education through all appropriate and ethical channels of mutual cooperation./ The terms of cooperation for each specific activity implemented under this Memorandum of Understanding shall be mutually discussed and approved in writing by both universities prior to the initiation of that activity. Any such agreements enterd into, as outlined above, will form appendices to this Memorandum of Understanding. Each party shall designate a liaison officer to develop and coordinate the specific activities approved. This Memorandum becomes effecive on the date of signature. It is valid for five years with the understanding that either party may terminate the Agreement with twelve months notice in writing, unless an earlier termination is mutually agreed upon. Revisions for modifications may be proposed at any time, effective from the date of written approval by both insitutions. October 4, 2011 Choong soon Kim, ph.D. President The Cyber University of Korea Connie Jee Executive Director Asian American Resource Center