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대학소개 협력기관 대학


필리핀 국립개방대학교

필리핀 국립개방대학교(University of the Philippines Open University, UPOU)는
필리핀의 대표 4대 명문대학 중 하나인 필리핀 국립대학교(University of the Philippines)에
소속된 원격 대학으로서, 필리핀 공공법(Republic Act) 10650호에 따라 1995년 설립되었습니다.
고려사이버대학교와 함께 ICDE(국제원격대학협의회), AAOU(아시아원격대학협의회)
회원교로서 양질의 온라인 교육을 통해 보다 많은 사람들에게 고등 교육의 기회를 제공하려는
공동목표를 달성하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교와 필리핀 국립개방대학교(UPOU)는 2018년 12월 상호발전을 위한 학술 협력 및 교류 증진 협약을 체결하였습니다.


공동 학술활동 진행, 교직원 및 학생 교류활동, 각교의 지식 및 경험 공유


MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANING This Memorandum of Understanding executed this Dec day of 10 2018, at Los Banos Lagune, by and between; The UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, the National University created by virtue of Act No. 1870, as amended and strengthened by Republic Act 9500, through its constituent university , UP Open University, with office address at National Highway, Barangay Maahas, Los Banios, Laguna, represented herein by its Chancellor, DR. MELINDA DP. BANDALARIA, hereinafter referred to as 'UPOU'; - and - THE CYBER UNIVERSITY OF KOREA (CUK), a cyber university created by virtue of Article 4 of the Higer Education Act by the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Korea, withprincipal office address at 106 Bukchon-ro, jongno-gu, Seoul 03051, korea, represented herein by its PRESIDENT, DR. JIN SUNG KIM hereinafter referred to as 'CUK' 1. In order to facilitate cooperation between UPOU and CUK, the Parties have agreed to explore opportunities for cooperation in the following areas; 1. Joint academic activities including research and training 2. Faculty and Staff Exchange Program(if applicable) 3. Student Exchange Program(if applicable) 4. Resource and information sharing 2. In support of the intent of this MOU, both Parties agree to elaborate specific areas of cooperation in subsequent formal agreements that specify the detailed terms and conditions of such collaboration, which agreements shall form integral parts of this MOU. 3. All research/project outputs, discoveries and/or inventions/innovations produced by virtue of and pursuant to this MOU shall be jointly owned by the parties. The details of the terms and conditions concerning intellectual property rights shall be agreed upon by the Parties in subsequent specific agreements, subject to the Parties' respective policy guidelines on the matter, which shall form integral parts of this MOU. Each university shall respect the academic freedom of the other in utilizing any intellectual output in accordance with their respective academic polices, programs and thrusts. The cooperation between UPOU and CUK shall be based on the principles of mutual benefit and respect for each other's independence. It is therefore agreed that each and every activity undertaken under this MOU is approved by the appropriate officials at each university and must fall within their respective academic and fiscal constraints. It is understood that this MOU does not authorize CUK to use the name, logo, pictures and other attributes of UPOU in any of its projects, products, services, activities, promotional and advertising materials or paraphemalia, without the consent of UPOU. CUK will endeavor to prevent issuing statements or declarations that indicate any affiliation with UPOU, other than what is established under this MOU. 4. UPOU and CUK may pursue other forms of cooperation, within fields that are mutually acceptable and subject to the requirements of each university's own academic programs, research activities and other academic undertaking. 5. This MOU shall be effective on and after the date of its signing by the respective authorized signatories of both Parties and shall remain in force until terminated by either party. 6. This MOU may be terminated at any time upon mutual agreement by both Parties. Any of the Parties may however, unilaterally withdraw from this MOU upon a written notification of at least one(1) year before the withdrawal takes effect. In all cases of termination, any ongoing academic programs and research projects shall first be completed before the termination is effected. 7. The Parties recognize that this MOU does not, and cannot, address all the circumstances and issues that may arise during its duration. The process undertaken by the Parties in accordance with this MOU will be dynamic in nature, and may change over time. This MOU may, therefore, be amended in writing, at any time by the mutual written agreement between the Prties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their hands on this DEC day of 10 2018 at UPOU Headquarters, UPOU Campus, Los Banos, Laguna. / Signed in the presence of: THE CYBER UNIVERSITY OF KOREA JIN SUNG KIM Prisident UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES OPEN UNIVERSITY MELINDA DP.BANDALARIA Chancellor MIN YOUNG LEE Dean, Office of Admission and External Affairs MELINDA LUMANTA Chancellor for Academic Affairs / ACKNOWLEDGMENT / Republic of the Philippines Los Banos Lagune S.S. BEFORE ME, this DEC day of 10 2018 at Los Banos Lagune, philippiness, personally appeared the following; / NAME MELINDA DP.BANDALARIA JIN SUNG KIM / GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID / known to me and known to be the same persons who executed this instrument and acknowledged that the same is their true and voluntary act and deed and that of the respective universities they represent. This refers to a Memorandum of Understanding consisting of three(3) pages, including this page, wherein this acknowledgment is written, signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page thereof. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above written.